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Mar 24, 20204 min read
The Desert
Imagine if you can for a moment that you are in the desert. The hot sun is scorching down from above and sand is covering the landscape...

Nov 5, 20164 min read
Finding Strength for the Fight
I have to admit when I look at my baby girl’s skin I am tempted to lose hope. The cuts, the scarring, the scaly patches and redness that...

Sep 26, 20164 min read
An Open Letter to the Public
My heart feels like someone is crushing it and I almost feel I am struggling to breathe. I have held myself together all day, but now...

Aug 21, 20132 min read
Great is Thy Faithfulness
There are things in life that we think we can count on: a brand new car, job security, friends, our spouse and our health. We expect them...

Dec 28, 20092 min read
Planning vs. Preparing
I’ve discovered that there are two things I must figure out for a successful life. How to plan and how to prepare. I’m really good at...
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